lördag 19 februari 2011
lördag 29 januari 2011
Aliens > Earth > America > Video
Okay now, seriously.
I'm pretty certain, even though it happens, that you're not allowed, nor supposed, to lie in the newspapers.
Or well, actually, I wouldn't call it lies. But it sure as hell isn't the truth.. Or well it is the truth, but it's still fucked up... Or is it fucked up? But it's not the truth, it's not lies, can't say it's a lie when it's just as close to the truth as it's not.
It all got messed up.
What I'm talking about is horoscopes, or as I prefer to call them: Whorescopes.
Either way.
Anyone, ANYONE in the world with some common sense would first of all figure out that they're not telling the truth. They are not telling you your destiny. Even if they're not actually lying.
They are simply just describing simple facts and everyday situations that occur to you every single day.
You read them, and you go "Yeah... That did happen..." or "Yes, that might happen".
The thing is that yes, it can happen. It will happen, unless it already did.
Because every fucking day, every single one of them. They just go "Today something positive will happen in your sorroundings and you will get a positive reaction from it. But beware, things may change quicker than you think."
That, ladies, gentlemen and everything inbetween, is what happens every day to everyone. Good things happen, bad things happen.
And frankly it pisses me off because:
A. They post that shit in newspapers.
B. People fucking believe in it.
But it also doesn't surprise me.
People belive all sort of things.
I mean... Literally anything.
Just look at, for an example which I've more than likely brought up before, America and Aliens.
Well yes, of course fucking of course.
Aliens do indeed exist. There's no possibillity that they wouldn't exist since the universe is infinite, therefore infinite amount of possibillites, infinite amount of planets, etc etc.
So yes, aliens do exist. But that's not the weird thing.
The weird thing is that each time we see aliens visiting our planet, they ALWAYS decide to visit... Guess what country?
Yes, because... That's just logical.
Out of all those millions of "alien ships" that have "visited" earth, 99% of them have gone straight to our beloved America.
Because of several reasons I would imagine.
I mean, come on.
First of all: if you go there and you don't fit in. They will fucking gun you down, and what better reason do you need?
Second: The president of the United States of the fucking America is indeed positioned there. So we had better be going there so we could indeed have a very serious talk with him. Because we can either speak english or they can build a device to understand us. Yes. Yes....
And the odd thing is, with all their technology.... The aliens, not America.... They decide to travel to earth, for reasons known to no one whatsoever, and try to be "stealthy". But each time, EACH TIME, they try to do so, they manage to fail. Because no matter wherever the fuck they go, there will always be some stupid fucking American camping the sky with a god damn video camera, JUST IN CASE, an alien battlecruiser just pops by to see how everyone is doing on earth.
Then after they have been miraciously caught on a video, the guy/girl, most likely a fucked up guy, decide to upload it on youtube or some other fucking site and people will belive it, not believe it, call it fake, argue against the argument of it being fake and such. And the aliens are just FIIIIIIIIIIINE with this. Because they just got caught on tape while trying to stealth around on our planet.
Not that even if this would actually happen for real, they wouldn't even have to worry.
The only ones who would believe the stupid American, camping the wilderness with his crappy camera, would be other stupid fucks (not necessarily another American this time).
Now, don't get me wrong...
Not ALL Americans are stupid, hell no.
But you know, a quite huge amount of the population seem to be stupid in one way or another.
It somewhat smells like catfood where I'm sitting for no apparent reason.
I'm pretty certain, even though it happens, that you're not allowed, nor supposed, to lie in the newspapers.
Or well, actually, I wouldn't call it lies. But it sure as hell isn't the truth.. Or well it is the truth, but it's still fucked up... Or is it fucked up? But it's not the truth, it's not lies, can't say it's a lie when it's just as close to the truth as it's not.
It all got messed up.
What I'm talking about is horoscopes, or as I prefer to call them: Whorescopes.
Either way.
Anyone, ANYONE in the world with some common sense would first of all figure out that they're not telling the truth. They are not telling you your destiny. Even if they're not actually lying.
They are simply just describing simple facts and everyday situations that occur to you every single day.
You read them, and you go "Yeah... That did happen..." or "Yes, that might happen".
The thing is that yes, it can happen. It will happen, unless it already did.
Because every fucking day, every single one of them. They just go "Today something positive will happen in your sorroundings and you will get a positive reaction from it. But beware, things may change quicker than you think."
That, ladies, gentlemen and everything inbetween, is what happens every day to everyone. Good things happen, bad things happen.
And frankly it pisses me off because:
A. They post that shit in newspapers.
B. People fucking believe in it.
But it also doesn't surprise me.
People belive all sort of things.
I mean... Literally anything.
Just look at, for an example which I've more than likely brought up before, America and Aliens.
Well yes, of course fucking of course.
Aliens do indeed exist. There's no possibillity that they wouldn't exist since the universe is infinite, therefore infinite amount of possibillites, infinite amount of planets, etc etc.
So yes, aliens do exist. But that's not the weird thing.
The weird thing is that each time we see aliens visiting our planet, they ALWAYS decide to visit... Guess what country?
Yes, because... That's just logical.
Out of all those millions of "alien ships" that have "visited" earth, 99% of them have gone straight to our beloved America.
Because of several reasons I would imagine.
I mean, come on.
First of all: if you go there and you don't fit in. They will fucking gun you down, and what better reason do you need?
Second: The president of the United States of the fucking America is indeed positioned there. So we had better be going there so we could indeed have a very serious talk with him. Because we can either speak english or they can build a device to understand us. Yes. Yes....
And the odd thing is, with all their technology.... The aliens, not America.... They decide to travel to earth, for reasons known to no one whatsoever, and try to be "stealthy". But each time, EACH TIME, they try to do so, they manage to fail. Because no matter wherever the fuck they go, there will always be some stupid fucking American camping the sky with a god damn video camera, JUST IN CASE, an alien battlecruiser just pops by to see how everyone is doing on earth.
Then after they have been miraciously caught on a video, the guy/girl, most likely a fucked up guy, decide to upload it on youtube or some other fucking site and people will belive it, not believe it, call it fake, argue against the argument of it being fake and such. And the aliens are just FIIIIIIIIIIINE with this. Because they just got caught on tape while trying to stealth around on our planet.
Not that even if this would actually happen for real, they wouldn't even have to worry.
The only ones who would believe the stupid American, camping the wilderness with his crappy camera, would be other stupid fucks (not necessarily another American this time).
Now, don't get me wrong...
Not ALL Americans are stupid, hell no.
But you know, a quite huge amount of the population seem to be stupid in one way or another.
It somewhat smells like catfood where I'm sitting for no apparent reason.
fredag 14 januari 2011
It's been.. Way too long
Alright, so for some reason my lil'brother decided to read up on some information, useless for that matter, about how far away the next solarsystem is. There's apparently many theories about this, but he ended up with the conclusion that it's quite damn far away and that it would take a bit more than... 100 years to get there or so. I think it was 120-ish actually. Either way.
It would take more than a hundred fuckin' years to get to the next solarsystem and that's not the funny part, or weird for that matter... The weird, funny, retarded if so, part is that it would take that many years to get there, whilst traveling at the speed of light.
Now isn't that a big slap in the face?
Not only do we now know that we will never, I repeat NEVER, be able to reach another system and even if we were to do so, we would have to build a spaceship that travels at the speed of light. Not to mention that we would also have to make a breeding colony on board of that spaceship in order to make it. We would also need an almost infinite amount of supplies to:
A. Build the spaceship.
B. Make sure there's oxygen on the ship, food, etc etc. Survival shit.
C. Find people who actually volunteer for it.
D. Somehow make the ship get its own gravity.
And even if we were to do so, we wouldn't know if they reached the galaxy or not, if there's even in anything in the galaxy or not, for another... Uhm.. About another hundred years?
And by then, the people who were curious about it have died since long and it's not certain that anyone gives a shit about it anymore.
So it's quite fun how they manage to calculate it and then realise that no matter whatever the fuck we do, we will still not be able to do it.
Speaking of just silly things.
This isn't science though, this is probably just plain fuckin' stupidity.
Staying up way too late and realise each morning that you should've gone to bed earlier. And the worst part about it, being me in this case, is that there's no reason to stay up late, nor is there a reason to get up early, and yet I feel this weird feeling of regret coming onto me each time I stay up past 02.00.
And all out of sudden, you do get this significant, brilliant mastermind idea of staying up for more than 24 hours so that when you go to bed, you will indeed go to bed the apropriate time and wake up earlier the next day, smart, innit?
But the problem with that is, that sure you wake up early the next day, but still you decide to stay up just as late the coming night, so what you did was completely pointless and just made yourself suffer.
Because clearly no one likes the feeling of wanting to go to bed, but shouldn't go to bed, but yet it feels like you are asleep but you know you are awake, and sometimes you even fall asleep for about 10 seconds, up to... Well I guess several hours. And when you wake up, if you fell asleep too "early" according to your "schedule", you go "Fuck" and decide to either try it again or just.. I don't know, try to go to bed earlier?
And so you do, you try to go to bed earlier and just end up laying there, staring at fuck all for several hours unil you actually fall asleep due to boredom, or you go back to doing whatever you were doing since you can't sleep anyway, and doing whatever you are doing is also preventing you from falling asleep, as well as going to bed and not being tired because subconciously you still don't want to sleep, so you somewhat force yourself to stay awake, and then you try to force yourself to sleep, and it just won't work.
A bit contradicting as life is always.
It would take more than a hundred fuckin' years to get to the next solarsystem and that's not the funny part, or weird for that matter... The weird, funny, retarded if so, part is that it would take that many years to get there, whilst traveling at the speed of light.
Now isn't that a big slap in the face?
Not only do we now know that we will never, I repeat NEVER, be able to reach another system and even if we were to do so, we would have to build a spaceship that travels at the speed of light. Not to mention that we would also have to make a breeding colony on board of that spaceship in order to make it. We would also need an almost infinite amount of supplies to:
A. Build the spaceship.
B. Make sure there's oxygen on the ship, food, etc etc. Survival shit.
C. Find people who actually volunteer for it.
D. Somehow make the ship get its own gravity.
And even if we were to do so, we wouldn't know if they reached the galaxy or not, if there's even in anything in the galaxy or not, for another... Uhm.. About another hundred years?
And by then, the people who were curious about it have died since long and it's not certain that anyone gives a shit about it anymore.
So it's quite fun how they manage to calculate it and then realise that no matter whatever the fuck we do, we will still not be able to do it.
Speaking of just silly things.
This isn't science though, this is probably just plain fuckin' stupidity.
Staying up way too late and realise each morning that you should've gone to bed earlier. And the worst part about it, being me in this case, is that there's no reason to stay up late, nor is there a reason to get up early, and yet I feel this weird feeling of regret coming onto me each time I stay up past 02.00.
And all out of sudden, you do get this significant, brilliant mastermind idea of staying up for more than 24 hours so that when you go to bed, you will indeed go to bed the apropriate time and wake up earlier the next day, smart, innit?
But the problem with that is, that sure you wake up early the next day, but still you decide to stay up just as late the coming night, so what you did was completely pointless and just made yourself suffer.
Because clearly no one likes the feeling of wanting to go to bed, but shouldn't go to bed, but yet it feels like you are asleep but you know you are awake, and sometimes you even fall asleep for about 10 seconds, up to... Well I guess several hours. And when you wake up, if you fell asleep too "early" according to your "schedule", you go "Fuck" and decide to either try it again or just.. I don't know, try to go to bed earlier?
And so you do, you try to go to bed earlier and just end up laying there, staring at fuck all for several hours unil you actually fall asleep due to boredom, or you go back to doing whatever you were doing since you can't sleep anyway, and doing whatever you are doing is also preventing you from falling asleep, as well as going to bed and not being tired because subconciously you still don't want to sleep, so you somewhat force yourself to stay awake, and then you try to force yourself to sleep, and it just won't work.
A bit contradicting as life is always.
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