At least that is what it says on the package... And I'm pretty sure it does, but so does my mom and I don't see a sign on her. Ok, but really. It kills and it's dangerous and shit, but it do have a certain age limit.. Not that anyone follows it, but still. In Sweden it is 18, that means that when you turn 18, you're allowed to die. But still, why sell stuff that can kill people? To make money of course, if I would find some stuff that people would get addicted to and I made loads of money on it,knowing that there's chinese kids between the age of 5-18 gathering the herbs I need for my stuff and starving and dying while doing it, I would still sell it and people would still buy it.
Sure, smoking kills, it's bad for your health, it's addicting etc etc. But I can think of loads of more stuff that is both addicting and can get you killed.
Chewing Gum for an example, the only warning sign on that package is "Not children below the age of 3", mhm? So people above the age of 3 can't choke on gums? Well that's nice to know, isn't it? So it should say "You may die if you chew this"
You can get addicted by shopping. So each time you're about to enter a shop there should be a sign "You may get addicted if you enter here and may end up dead"
People would never enter a shop ever again.
Addicted to eating. "You may get addicted, get overweight and eventually die, if you eat this"
I've never seen any of those signs, have you? I'm pretty sure no one ever thought of it but, pretty much everything in the world can get you killed.
The one who invented the car was a genious, but the one who invented the safetybelt was even smarter, wasn't he? And then some other dude came up with speed limit.
In my opinion, they were all idiots in one way or another. Yes, there's loads of positive things with cars and with the safetybelts, and also with speed limit.
The one who invented the car was a genious because he inveted something that didn't require animals to drag it, or slaves. It was easy to get where you wanted and the only thing you needed to get there was gas. Ok, what was the mistakes he did? First of all, he ruined the enviorment, not that I care, but he did. Second, he did make it easier to travel and he did great, until he finally crashed into another car and died. Third, he didn't have any breaks....
That's where the safetybelt gets in, it was awesome! Man, did he do a good work? Yes he did!
Until he finally got into the car, crashed and survived... At least until he realised he couldn't get the safetybelt off and burned to death... But he did survive the crash! He did...
Then, speed limit. Yep, very nice. You can ALMOST walk somewhere without getting killed... Except from the fact that people does not always follow the speed limits and when they do, it's too fast so people die anyway.
So in the end, they had to gear it up even more and add breaks to the car. And boy ,that helped alot! Less people died, more of our enviorment died.
But, why stop there? We invented the plane! And boy is that good?! It's way better than a car when traveling to the other side of the world. But it doesn't have a sign on it, does it?
Sure, when you get on to the plane they tell you what to do if something happens, but will it really help to put on the safetybelt and the mask if you're about to crash into a mountain from 20 000meters height? No, didn't think so.
Pretty much everything we do got positive and negative things.
I can probably think of more negative than positive things.. But that's just me.
In the end we'll all end up dead anyway...
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