fredag 4 juli 2008

Plastic Surgery also Fails

You know what can ruin alot on a person? I mean, really, ruin it all! The looks can just crash down in the ocean, never to be found again!
That one thing that can ruin alot on a person is the nose! Yes, there is more but the nose ruins even more.. I mean, let's say you find this really hot girl/guy, you just keep staring.. Wondering.. You should go over there and ask him/her out, but not sure what he/she will answer.. So when you finally got the balls to do it, he/she turns his head and you can see that his nose is a fucking murder machine!
I mean really. Everything is perfect on that damn person apart from the mountain between his/her eyes! No, I'm not saying that people should go Michael Jackson-Nose, hell no. But I think it's quite the turn-off when you got a spacestation in your face...
Something else that might not be beautiful is the teeth. You can just fall in love with someone as long as they keep their mouth shut and won't smile. I don't think anyone likes it when the teeth looks like some kind of death trap, armed and ready. No.
So teeth and nose. Anything else?

Subject Change
So, they finally invented the teleporter! Isn't that great?! We will NEVER have to move EVER again! We can get as fat as we want to and if we want something we can just teleport it to us! Right?
Ok, yes, they did invent the teleporter but appearently they can just teleport light, and how useful is that? I can tell you this much.. We're not light, we're humans.
"Oh noez, it's dark in here, teleport some light in"
So I'd say they didn't do shit, but ok, it's a start.
But when will all this stop? We just keep inventing new stuff to destroy, help or entertain us! Either way, it all ruins the earth! I know I know, I sound like a Greenpeace dude but I'm not. My point is that humanity still suck balls... And always will do.
I was reading this magazine where they answered a question: Will we ever be able to travel to another star?
The answer was quite complicated, so I'll make it simple for you: No.
We will not, not in this race. We can travel to the moon in a week or something, which is way too slow to travel to outer space. To do that, you need ot have the speed of light and we do not have the energy or material to do that, here on earth.
But appearently we would be able to go fast enough to get to another star within 500 years. Just INCASE someone happen to survive the trip, they can always send a postcard home to us and tell us how outer space is like, right?
Why not just try to invent a cure for age? Would be so much easier. Then we could take the cure, get into the damn spaceship and shoot us into space.. We would probably crash into trash and other shit the first 5 million times, but eventually we would make it, wouldn't we?
Then again, oxygen. We need to breathe! So we need to invent a cure for that aswell... And then a cure so we can be immortal, give birth to way too many kids, the world would be overwhelming and no one would be able to die no matter what.. Which basicly comes down to: Fail.
No matter what we do we will always fail in one way or another...
Just look at Jesus.

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