måndag 2 juni 2008

Disney Failed, and so did my "friends"

Busy means busy, it means Don't fucking disturb me!
People are so dumb! They start talking with me and I tell them "I'm busy" And they're like "Oh.. Okay... I'll talk to you anyway" I WANT TO KILL THEM!
And they're not making it any better. First of all, they talk to me when I don't want to talk to them, second, they send me messages on my phone who all say something like "Boo, found ya" Which annoys the fuck out of me. Third, they talk about stuff that no one in the whole fucking world would actually give a damn about.
IF I wanted to know about your life, I would've asked you, but since I didn't I don't give a damn about you or your pathetic little life.
But it just goes on! They keep talking to me until they realise I'm not talking to them. Then they GET PISSED because I'm not replying! I mean come on!
But what do I care, right?

Subject Change

More stupid people? God..
There's been like 15 different girls and boys, asking me if I want to come with them to this once-a-year place called "Siesta". And I've given them all the same answer: NO!
And so they ask me "Why not?" Let's say it like this.. I'm not that person who likes to pay people to like me.
Also, Why would I go to that kind of place when there's not a single fucking band I don't like?
And the fact that there's more than 300 "Emo-kids" who's all horny, desperate and would just grab the first person they lay their eyes on and rape in the nearest bush, does not make it better. So no, I didn't go.
But my friends did, and then earlier today, some random girl wrote to me, something like this "OMGOMG You know that dude in your class and omg he was omg in my omg tent omg the whole omgomg weekend and omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg" And I was like "Wtf >,>"
So, appearently my classmate was in the same tent as this girl and she was all excited about it, but not me, I didn't give a damn, so I told her "Uh yeah.. You know I see him every day in school, what's the big deal?" And then she stopped writing to me.
Once again, being mean is the way to live your life.


I'm ok with people who's telling me once or twice that I'm good looking.. And I don't mean once or twice per minute, more like once or twice per month or something, not more.
I don't like it when people are "all over me", almost drooling me down, like "DIE MOTHERFUCKER! DIE!" No, that's not ok. Or well.. I suppose it all depends on the girl, but still, it's rather disturbing in my opinion. If I wanted to get drooled on, raped and killed, I'd probably go to that "Siesta" shit, right?
So now that I've been ego for a couple of minutes, maybe I should change subject to something that isn't completely about me?

Since when could you be famous by doing nothing in front of a camera? Since the world gone insane.
I could just get a camera, videotape myself dancing a funny dance, show it on TV and upload it on Youtube, get enough viewers and then Woah, I'd be famous for doing a "funny", useless piece of shit dance.
Or if enough people without lives read my blog, and think "Hey, Since I don't have a life and no opinions myself, I should take these" and then they tell other people to read it, and in the end I'll have enough readers to rule the world! I'll be one of the worlds most powerful people without doing shit but telling people how I think.
I could also steal a couple of nuclear bombs and threat the whole world, but then I'd probably end up dead... Which I will anyway, but that's not the point.
These days, anyone can be famous.
How about "High School Musical"? It's a bunch of kids, dancing and "singing" in front of a camera, their voices are fake! I swear, they are! That ugly, pathetic chav kids can not sing like that! Also, it's just a fucking cheap copy of the movie "Grease", which is kind of ace...
But no, they made 1 movie and then, since all the 11 year old kids and mentally rejected 15 year old "emo-kids" liked them, they decided to make another one which seem to be even worse.
And they didn't have enough, they just keep making loads of crap movies to show poor kids or to make the "emo-kids" satisfied.

I'm okay with Disney, making non-cartoon movies, but for gods sake, stick to the movies that are actually worth looking at, like "Pirates of the caribbean", I thought those movies were awesome. But not the "High School Musical" and the other "I-Can't-Sing-Properly"-movies, they made one and decided to Fail again.
Or you could always do those 3D-animated movies, which also, most of the time, are quite awesome. I liked "Monsters Inc." alot, it was awesome.
But for gods sake... Please stop producing those crappy half-made movies with all the retarded chavs, dancing in front of the camera just to get laid on saturday night... Please stop it

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

I agree ABOUT* the stupid...
Sorry, sorry made a mistake there