lördag 27 december 2008

In a world filled of me's would be nice

I am complaining about everything and right now I must say that I am damn bored.
I've been doing nothing for the last couple of weeks. People tell me that I got no life, but I wonder why?
First of all, I'm living in two of the most lame places in Sweden. One of these two is filled with chavs and imigrants, wannabe-gangsters and loads of douchebags, my mom asks me why I refuse to go outside and I just tell her "Because I don't feel like it", but really, it's because this place is shit, not the house we live in, but the town.
The other place I live in is filled with chavs, emo-kids and people who don't dare to do shit but shout things at you. It's filled with wimps and bitches, blonde bimbos who can't get laid because they don't dare to and wannabe-chavs who like to think they are so cool because they can masturbate for 5 minutes to a Pamela Anderson-poster without cuming.
So people wonder why I got no life? Yeah, so do I!
Maybe because I surrounded by mentally retarded idiots who barely can wipe their own ass after taking a dump, and can't get laid even if it was a invalid girl who can do nothing but say yes and spread her legs. How the fuck am I supposed to have a life in a society like this?!
Yes, people say I have friends, but do I? Really?
Friends, or should I say: even more mentally retarded idiots? My so called friends are idiots who think I like them just because I've spoken to them once or twice, but really I don't give a fuck about them either, and if it was for me to decide, they could just go and die somewhere.

So what does it mean to "have a life"?
Apparently, having a life these days is going to one or more, parties each weekend, getting smashed and raped, hanging out with people you don't like, having a work you don't want to go to, going to a school with people dumber than peanuts and knowing as many fucknuts as possible. Well aren't you just fucking perfect?
Me? No, I would say that "having a life" is more doing things you like to do.
To enjoy your day, enjoy the way you actually live, which in my case would be being alone.
Although people won't understand or accept the fact that I want to be alone and talk to just a few people that actually seem interesting, or nice.
Instead you keep going with whatever you do to annoy me and eventually end up with me, hating you and you still don't understand a got damn thing.

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