söndag 17 maj 2009

Imperfect the way you are

There's nothing wrong.
It's just the indifference between two people that makes it seem less right.

fredag 15 maj 2009

Sympathy devided by 0

To be completely honest, I'm not sure why we do it, I mostly don't.
When we feel bad, angry or depressed, we tend to tell people about it, write things about it, show it on a picture etc etc.
Some people say they don't give a flying fuck about what others think, for some it's true. Some people say they do care what everythink and must do it. Even though they talk alot, and say alot, I doubt everything is true. Of course there's times when it can be true and there is people who speaks nothing but the truth, but still.
We tell people how bad we feel, what happend during the day, we get the attention we want so we know what others think and just to find out that there's still people out there that care for you. Sometimes you already knew it and sometimes you want to find out.
We upload a sad picture, show a sad face. We make a drama-scene or tell a story, fake a smile even though some people can see right through it.
And in matter of fact, I do care for some. Most people refuse to believe and that I care for I, me and myself only. I would say I care for myself the most, but that does NOT change the fact that there are people out there who I can care for. It won't always show, even though I do.

Not everyone want to, or can, show it as others may think. Some people ask you why you never show feelings, why you never care, why you're never there for them, why you don't call, why you never text them, and so on, and there's a simple answer to that. You're not just that kind of person. This does not mean you're a careless, lonely bastard who don't deserve anything better than shit, no... Well, sometimes it might, but still. You don't always need to show that you care, to actually care.

I guess all we want is some sympathy from time to time.

onsdag 13 maj 2009

Leaning banana in classroom

I'm not sure if I am a bad person or not anymore.
We had this dude in school/collage(whatever you wish to call it) today.
First he stands there, normal as everyone else and talks about stuff that was rather interesting.
Suddently, he stops for a second and asks for a glass of water. Alright, just as we're about to give him a glass of water, he leans towards the whiteboard and then falls down on the floor. It looks something like this: Take a banana, make it "stand" and then let go. The way it falls down, that was the motion he did. And just as he falls down, it made me laugh. But he didn't actually fall. He passed out.. Well sort of.. That was more of a "pre-pass-out", 'cause he gets back on his feet and then decides to fall once again. And I seriously can't get that image out of my head.
People don't really understand it, the funny part is not that he passed out, just the way he looked when he did it.
"I'm ok, I'm ok" Lean towards the whiteboard and WTF-Falls to the floor like a stiff banana on drugs.

Also, for some reason we had red pears today instead of green.

måndag 11 maj 2009


I just can't take people who complain about their love-life, their social life or just their own fucking life. It's just like we're supposed to actually give a damn. So there they are, just found a new one and tells everyone how fucking perfect they are for eachother, how happy they are, how they love eachother, how they're gonna get kids etc etc. And yet, they met this weekend on a fucking party, and yes, they do already know eachother.
A week later one of them want some time alone, says it and all hell breaks loose. "HE DOES NOT LOVE ME ANYMORE!" /wrist
He never loved you, you dumb fuck, he wanted to bang you, he USED you. Or it's the other way around. He finds out she's been cheating on him, gets depressed because once again, another girlfriend dumped him. He should be used by now, no one really wants him, he's a one-night-stand that just won't let go.
So there we go again, he's sobbing over another dumb emo-girl who dumped him, opens internet, finds the usual chat site, find a new girl who lives pretty close, starts flirting and the same thing happens again. It's a vicious circle - A vicious circle that we all laugh at sooner or later.

söndag 10 maj 2009

fredag 8 maj 2009

Dear God, I touched your son in his dirty spot

Apparantely, I'm a mix between an Atheist and a Satanist, which to be honest might just be true.
I mean, I don't believe in god, I think religion is complete bullshit, just taking the bible for an example. The bible is almost as filled with action like the Die Hard 4 movie and almost as dramatic as Days of our lives. Either way. I don't believe in god or anything like it, I don't believe in life after death, I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. I don't think there's any good or evil in this world, nor good or evil deeds, just moralilty.
Also, I'm not sure anymore if I should admire or despite people who have a religion and believe in it to 100%.
I admire them abit because; they believe in something, they find it easy to find safety in nothing, they think they know what happens when they die, they pray to nothing(if they pray).
I despite them because; they're idiots, they're hipocrites, they believe in a higher being which never shows itself, they believe in something that can be easily proved wrong with science.

I suppose that was the "Atheist"-part, and believe that the "Satanist"-part of me is something like this:
I don't believe in anything of a higher call, and if I would believe in anything, it would be myself.
I believe that I am more valuable than others, by miles that is.
To be honest, I'm not sure how much this is related to Satanism, but I don't find it wrong to kill innocent people just for the sake of killing them. I would make exceptions, but not too many and I would most likely be able to kill anyone. I might give it a second thought, but not now.
I hate/dislike almost everyone around me, almost everyone, NOT everyone.
Then again, I'm not trying to be a Satanist, or Atheist, because I hate religion overall. Not that Atheism is a religion, but still I don't call myself an Atheist, it's just that Atheism/Satanism probably is the closest I could get to describe my "so-called" beliefs.


onsdag 6 maj 2009

Pose bitch, pose!

As the title says: Pose bitch, pose.
When you do take pictures, of yourself or someone else. Most of the time you have fun or you're gonna show something/someone/yourself, so you strike some kind of pose or do something, you stand in a weird way, whatever. When you've taken about 50 egopictures, or something like it, you decide to take look at them and that's when you realize it and think something like this:
"Ehm... I can't believe I looked like that when I took the picture, I look like a complete, straight-up retard", and just as you're done thinking that, you say to yourself: "Thank fuck no one saw that but me".
It's not always like that.
Sometimes when you're taking pictures, private or not, there's someone watching you or just happen to see you. So just when you stand there, without pants, doing the most fucked up pose ever, having a weird smile on your face, thinking to yourself "Thank fuck no one can see me", do some weird move and take a picture - There's someone watching you and can't see your camera, you don't know where, when, why or how, but there is, and that person will most likely be scarred for life. And that person, wherever he goes, or she, whatever he does, he'll think for himself "What the fuck was he doing in there?... What the hell was that?! I WANNA KNOW!"
He will keep going on like that until he dies or meets you and get to ask.
So until next time you decide to take a picture, take a look around, save a life.