onsdag 28 maj 2008


It's not my fault the world is filled with idiots who can't do shit but complain about their pathetic little lives. Most of those people are called "Emo-kids".
Who would actually like one of those "emo-kids"?

"I hate my life", "people hate me", "no one loves me", "I want to die!"
Yes, you should hate your life, Yes, everyone hates you, No, no one loves you and finally Yes, I want you to die aswell. If you wouldn't be such a weak little piece of shit, maybe, MAYBE people would actually pay attention to you.

People cut themselves, why? Some do it for pleasure, but not these, they do it because they want to die, but do they? NO! They don't die, they just cut themselves deep enough to get scars for their lives and then then whine about it.

But I think people should learn to see the difference between dark clothes, goth, punk and "Emo-kids".
Wearing dark clothes and dye your hair does not make you "Emo".
Having a weird haircut does not make you "Emo".
Wearing chains and lots of piercings does not make you "Emo".
Listening to a certain kind of music... Ok, that can make you "Emo", or actually that is what would generally make you emo. But, "Emo's" can wear all that I just said.
Also, cutting yourself does not make you "Emo", it depends on why you do it aswell..
Back to the subject, people who's so damn stupid that they can't see the difference.

I would actually say "Get to know the person first" but I do almost the same most of the time. You would kind of recorgnize an "Emo-kid" if you saw one, if you're not a mentally rejected chav who can't see anything but "Big-Boobed-Assed-Stupid-Blonde" chicks.
Chavs is a big problem, overall I guess, but I know it's a BIG, BIG problem where I live.

They infiltrate every single spot they can get to and then they fucking plant their asses there and grow a colony. It's like a fucking virus inside your body which will eventually kill you, or you destroy it with ALL YOUR MIGHT! Crush the Chavs, Crush the "Emo-kids" and Crush all other things you don't like.

3 kommentarer:


it's called anxiety and it's an illness.
the situation does matter, but it's not the proper cause that people hurt themselves.
just so you know..
people, in my oppinion, don't know enough about people hurting themselves.
- rainbowoverdramatic (;

Anonym sa...

"Emos" are a burden.

Anonym sa...

joe, fy fan hur pallar du skriva så myck, och jag som suger på engelska! xD